Monthly Archives: October 2013

smoky tea ice cream

october 29, 2013

smoky tea ice creamDays are pleasantly warm, and evenings bracing and chilly.  Good sleeping weather, I say.  Torn between a longing for ice cream and a hankering for a steaming mug of tea, I am combining the two in a dessert sure to please weather aficionados of all stripes.

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ginger cinnamon applesauce

october 15, 2013

ginger cinnamon applesauce

The heady perfume of Virginia apples at my local roadside stand draws me in, and I load up my box with way more than I can use in a week.  What’s a cook to do?  Well, cook ’em up, of course.

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slow roasted tomatoes with garlic and herbs

october 1, 2013

slow roasted tomatoes with garlic and herbs


When you are given a gift of late season tomatoes, you have only two choices; you can eat them all right away, or make them last longer by preserving them for later enjoyment.

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