Monthly Archives: January 2015

Citrus Napa Cabbage Salad

january 23, 2015

citrus napa cabbage salad


It’s not always easy to eat “clean” in chain restaurants.  Even relatively upscale chains may offer foods that are pre-breaded or bathed in a flavor enhanced sauce, or chopped in a distant city and transported in brine to your town.  In short, chains are often loaded with processed foods.

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Spicy Grapefruit Mint Cocktail

january 9, 2015

spicy grapefruit mint cocktailWhen there is a chilly bite in the air, it’s time for winter citrus.  I enjoy lemon in my summertime tea, and lime juice in warm weather salsas and salads, but winter is when the perfume of pink grapefruits, tangerines, Meyer lemons and blood oranges is at peak and best enjoyed.

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