Monthly Archives: April 2018

Chicken Lentil Eggplant Stew

april 25, 2018

chicken lentil eggplant stew

Some recipes come to life when all the right ingredients are at hand. Okay, quite often they are born when there is an excess of items in the fridge and pantry. Such was the case recently; too many boneless skinless chicken thighs, an eggplant unused for a cookdate and a full jar of French green lentils. Oh, and those four bottles of pomegranate molasses I purchased, thinking I would eventually put this wonderfully tart-sweet syrup to good use . Each ingredient was giving me the eye and daring me to ignore their union in this savory stew. Continue reading

Asparagus and Shiitake Stir Fry

april 11, 2018

asparagus shiitake stir fry


What better way to welcome spring and say so long to winter than with a recipe featuring elements of both seasons? Hey, there, asparagus, nice to see you again! Butternut squash, it was a good run, and now it’s time to make way for greener crunchies. With my quest to add more veggies to my daily meal plan (see previous post for Socca Pizza), I am finding that if vegetables are roasted ahead, or stir-fried ahead, I”m much more likely to heat and serve alongside my main dish. Continue reading