Tag Archives: queso fresco

bowl of black bean nopalito soup

Black Bean Nopalito Soup

January 25, 2022

bowl of black bean nopalito soup

Soup weather is finally here. In this case, soup is a hearty meal in a bowl with southwest flavors to melt the snow. Snow ice cream would make a fine dessert to accompany this thick soup. Continue reading

Beef Tamale Pie

june 20, 2016

beef tamale pie



and a visit to Dragonfly Farms

When  you have the opportunity to see where and how your food is grown and raised, there comes an acute appreciation for the valiant efforts by farmers and ranchers to bring that food to market, and to your table. Bruce Johnson and his wife Katherine are the hardworking team of Dragonfly Farms bringing grass fed beef, lamb and goat to Richmond area farmer’s markets.

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