Monthly Archives: August 2014

Cardamom Rosewater Frozen Yogurt

august 29, 2014

cardamom rosewater frozen yogurt


When frozen yogurt shops began to proliferate in the latter part of the 20th century, their product tasted like, well, yogurt.  Frozen.  And that’s not a complaint or criticism. What often passes for frozen  yogurt these days tastes a lot like soft serve ice cream. Even that’s not a complaint.  Most people like soft ice cream, as evidenced by the long lines that snake around those mom and pop shops by the seashore, the ones that sell frozen custard.

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Coconut Corn Avocado Soup

august 15, 2014

coconut corn avocado soupSadly, we are nearing the end of fresh corn season here in Richmond.  People have favorites : white vs. yellow, the elusive Silver Queen vs. Supersweet, but even mediocre ears of corn are satisfying with a slather of good butter and a sprinkle of sea salt.

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