Tag Archives: zucchini cake

slice of zucchini fudge cake

Zucchini Fudge Cake

October 4, 2022

slice of zucchini fudge cake

Zucchini is one of the last local summer vegetables at the roadside stands. Slick green squash batons keep company on the racks with many-hued fall squashes, smooth and warty, solid and spotted and striped. Continue reading

Zucchini Walnut Spice Cake

september 15, 2017

zucchini walnut spice cake

You know who you are. You’re that coworker, that neighbor, that friend who pokes around in your late summer garden and notices that the zucchini are big like kiddie baseball bats, and also numerous. What to do? You give them away. Your recipients scratch their heads and murmur thanks, wondering what will become of this summer squash on steroids and how they can possibly transform it into something edible. Knock on my door and I’ll be your best buddy! And if I’m feeling particularly magnanimous I’ll give you a slice of this cake.

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