Tag Archives: plum recipes

bowl of pistachio plum salsa

Pistachio Plum Salsa

September 12, 2024

bowl of pistachio plum salsa

The array of summer fruits is dwindling  at roadside stands, making way for a variety of crisp apples. Plums and pluots are heavy, round and fragrant at the grocery stores.  Today’s simple salsa is an ode to these sweet-tart stone fruits. Continue reading

Apple Plum Smoothie Bowl

september 24, 2016

apple plum smoothie bowl


A couple of years ago, I grew tired of my breakfast routine and tried starting my day with smoothies. Fruits, Greek yogurt, almond butter and red kale growing in my tiny garden patch  – all went in the blender, with the occasional toasted nut and seeds.

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Ginger Plum Chutney

september 18, 2015

ginger plum chutney



We’ve had a good run with stone fruits in Virginia this summer. The white and yellow peaches have been outstanding, softly perfumed and ripe for  eating straight from the farm stands. All colors and shapes of plums have tempted me with their beauty, but my favorite stone fruit was the squatty yellow donut peach, with its adherent stone and dense, sweet flesh.  Continue reading