Tag Archives: vegetable soups

Gingered Carrot Soup

march 25, 2016

gingered carrot soup

When I was a kid cook, my parents bought two thin volumes we considered exotic at the time : cookbooks for German and French fare, with unusual ingredients not found in the States. Never a big cooked carrot fan, I nonetheless made Potage Crecy from the French book, a creamy carrot and potato soup, and got hooked. There followed attempts at whole chicken cooked in a pot with wine and tomato, German fish and mussel chowder and braised cucumber with sour cream. The only miss was liver dumplings from the German cookbook; the family dog became the recipient of that recipe.

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cucumber vichyssoise

august 30, 2013

cucumber vichyssoise

Sometimes it’s too darn hot to cook.  You’re famished but a hot meal doesn’t appeal.  A visit to the Saturday farmer’s market fills you with resolve to turn  your purchases  into something besides the obvious chopped salad of colorful, crunchy bits.  There’s your pile – now what? Continue reading