Tag Archives: summer soup recipes

closeup of basil buttermilk soup

Basil Buttermilk Soup

august 11, 2020

closeup of basil buttermilk soup

Cooking doesn’t always need to involve heat. Chopping, tossing and blending are all easy methods of cool food preparation, with no flame in sight. The work of a good blender is the only electricity involved in making this refreshing summer soup featuring just-picked basil and chilled buttermilk. Continue reading

cucumber vichyssoise

august 30, 2013

cucumber vichyssoise

Sometimes it’s too darn hot to cook.  You’re famished but a hot meal doesn’t appeal.  A visit to the Saturday farmer’s market fills you with resolve to turn  your purchases  into something besides the obvious chopped salad of colorful, crunchy bits.  There’s your pile – now what? Continue reading