Tag Archives: greek yogurt recipes

Sausage Broccolini Sheet Pan Dinner

december 3, 2020

Sausage Broccolini Sheet Pan Dinner

The end of year holiday rush has begun. It may look a bit different, with less store browsing, but even still there is the looming year end rush to get everything done so we can relax. Hopefully we will remember the relax part. Continue reading

closeup of blood orange chia pudding

Blood Orange Chia Pudding

february 6, 2020

closeup of blood orange chia pudding


Sweets for the sweet during  St. Valentine’s month, or maybe not. If your tastes run more to bitter, tart or just plain less sweet when you enjoy desserts, or breakfast, you will like this Greek yogurt based pudding with maple sweetened blood oranges and chia seeds.

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Chocolate Berry Tart

june 24, 2016

chocolate berry tart


It’s almost time to do your patriotic duty and eat something red, white and blue. Naturally, summer’s berries will cover the red and blue, so let’s add something creamy like thickened and lightly sweetened Greek yogurt to cover all bases.

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Cardamom Rosewater Frozen Yogurt

august 29, 2014

cardamom rosewater frozen yogurt


When frozen yogurt shops began to proliferate in the latter part of the 20th century, their product tasted like, well, yogurt.  Frozen.  And that’s not a complaint or criticism. What often passes for frozen  yogurt these days tastes a lot like soft serve ice cream. Even that’s not a complaint.  Most people like soft ice cream, as evidenced by the long lines that snake around those mom and pop shops by the seashore, the ones that sell frozen custard.

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Summer Berry Yogurt Trifle

…and a visit to Old Church Creamery

june 27, 2014

summer berry yogurt trifle


Old Church Creamery, a thriving dairy farm one half hour north of Richmond in Manquin, Virginia, sprouted, then roared to life, in 2008.  Through trial and error, and hard work from owners Catherine and Keith Long, the operation is a premier supplier of naturally produced cow’s milk and dairy products for the Richmond area and beyond.

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