Tag Archives: lemon tarts

Almond Apple Tart

november 13, 2015

almond apple tart


Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and the dreaded pumpkin shortage trumpeted in the news recently has not affected supplies in local grocery stores.Yet. I planned this dessert as an antidote to said shortage, but if you are like me, you enjoy an array of desserts at the holiday table, and having your pumpkin pie in addition to a creamy apple dessert is not considered a conflict of interest.

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lemon tart with olive oil and flaky sea salt

Lemon Tart with Olive Oil and Flaky Sea Salt

march 6, 2015

updated march 2, 2021

lemon tart with olive oil and flaky sea salt



Lemon bars were one of the first things I cooked as a kiddie baker, and when the call was put out for school bake sale goods, I delivered.  Yep, I was the kid who cooked homemade lemon bars for the bake sale.  My parents both worked and I could never imagine burdening them with baking tasks, much less taking something store-bought to the sale.

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