Tag Archives: gluten free desserts

serving of no bake sweet potato cheesecake

No Bake Sweet Potato Cheesecake

december 7, 2021

serving of no bake sweet potato cheesecake

Did you have pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving? Sweet potatoes? Are you craving cheesecake? Answer yes to any of these questions and this dessert is for you. I love easy entertaining at year’s end holiday time. These No Bake mini Sweet Potato Cheescakes are simple, yet fancy for company. Continue reading

Blueberry Lemon Pudding Cake

july 20, 2021

bowl of blueberry lemon pudding cake

Julia Child introduced us to clafoutis, the fruit dessert that is both cakelike and soft as pudding. The easy method to this dessert lends itself to employing all manner of seasonal fruits.Like stone fruits in Nectarine Almond Cake. Blueberries are plump and sweet this summer, so let’s get to baking. Continue reading

skillet apple cobbler with ice cream

Skillet Apple Cobbler

november 17, 2020

skillet apple cobbler with ice cream

Perhaps your Thanksgiving celebration will look a little different this year, with fewer faces around the table, less hustle and bustle and fewer dishes. Or perhaps you’ve been so aggravated with 2020 you’ll skip the turkey and sides and focus only on desserts like the sweet-a-holic we all know you are. Am I pointing the finger at myself? Yes, why, yes I am. Continue reading

Chocolate Peanut Layer Cake

march 15, 2018

chocolate peanut layer cake

When spring rolls around, I dream of chocolate and peanut butter. Wait, what? Not even close to seasonal, you might think. Easter brings those egg-shaped Reese’s peanut butter treats, creamy milk chocolate covering a salty sweet peanut butter filling, and I swoon. Yes, they are available year round as little patties with ridges, and at Halloween as pumpkins, but the Easter ones have a very thin coat of chocolate and lots of slightly crunchy peanut butter filling. I’ve eaten more than my share lately, so today’s cake is all about the chocolate, with a little peanut thrown in for pleasure. Yep, this is a chocolate lover’s cake for those who also like peanut butter.

chocolate peanut layer cake

Healthy Dessert is an Oxymoron

Is this a ” healthy” dessert? Not on your life. My motto regarding dessert is this: better to have a little bit of the real thing than a lot of lower calorie stuff that will leave you less than satisfied. There, I said it. Or wrote it. That’s my philosophy and I’m sticking with those words.

chocolate peanut layer cake

Is this an easy dessert? Relatively speaking, yes. All three components may be made ahead at different times and assembled when you have a bigger chunk of time. Regular  wheat flour would work just as well as the gluten free favorite in my pantry. The cake is a great keeper in the fridge for up to one week—simply let the servings sit at room temperature until they are soft and creamy.

I’m certain freezing is also an option, but my tasters and I could not wait for that experiment. To keep the outside pretty, your freezer needs to be large enough to accommodate the cake dome, but if you make this tasty cake and decide on freezing leftover  pieces, wrap in plastic and rejoice in your ability to delay gratification. You have more discipline than the author of this post.

chocolate peanut layer cake

Chocolate Peanut Layer Cake

recipe by Michele Humlan, The Good Eats Company

makes one three layer eight inch cake


chocolate layer cake

1 ¾ cup 1-for-1 gluten free flour (my current favorite is Bob’s Red Mill) – all purpose wheat flour works just as well
¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder ( I use Hershey’s) – plus extra for coating cake pans
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon fine sea salt
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
1 ½ teaspoon baking soda
½ cup (one stick) unsalted butter, melted gently and cooled to room temperature
2 large eggs, at room temperature
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup whole milk
1 cup boiling water

cake directions

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Spray 3 eight inch cake pans with cooking spray, line with parchment, spray again and coat interior lightly with cocoa powder.
  3. In large mixing bowl, whisk together dry ingredients.
  4. In another mixing bowl whisk together butter, eggs, vanilla and milk; mixture will appear curdled.
  5. Whisk together dry and wet ingredients, then whisk in boiling water.
  6. Batter will be very thin; to fill pans evenly, use a large ladle; bake until tops spring back easily and cake begins to pull away from the sides, about 20 minutes.
  7. Let cool in pans about 10 minutes, then flip out onto waxed paper; you will be frosting the bottoms of each layer, as tops will be sticky.

peanut butter mousse

4 ounces (half a brick) of full fat cream cheese, at room temperature
½ cup creamy peanut butter ( I like Jif or Skippy natural)
¼ teaspoon fine sea salt
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 or more cups powdered sugar
whole milk, about 2 tablespoons

mousse directions

  1. In large mixing bowl, use electric mixer to cream together cream cheese, salt, vanilla and peanut butter; mixture will appear dry and shaggy.
  2. Add 1 cup powdered sugar and blend well, then add 1 tablespoon milk.
  3. Add another cup powdered sugar, then ½ tablespoon milk; add more milk a few drops at a time if needed until mousse is creamy, but it must be firm enough to set between the cake layers.

sour cream chocolate frosting

12 tablespoons unsalted butter (1 ½ sticks)
3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, finely chopped
¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder ( I like Hershey’s)
3 cups powdered sugar
1 cup full fat sour cream
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup dry roasted unsalted peanuts, chopped, for assembly

frosting directions

  1. Melt butter and unsweetened chocolate over low heat in small saucepan, stirring frequently.
  2. Whisk in cocoa and add mixture to large mixing bowl.
  3. With electric mixer on low, add one cup powdered sugar, followed by vanilla and ⅓ cup sour cream.
  4. Add another cup sugar, then another ⅓ cup sour cream, scraping sides of bowl as needed.
  5. Add remainder of sugar, then rest of sour cream and mix well.

cake assembly

  1. Place one cake layer (bottom side up) on flat surface of cake server, cover with half the peanut butter mousse, then add the second cake layer, cover with remaining mousse and top with third cake layer.
  2.  With thin spatula (an offset spatula is best) apply frosting starting with the top, then the sides, and finally use spatula to create decorate spikes on the top layer.
  3. Using your hands, attach the chopped peanuts to the cake sides, a little at a time, and when peanuts fall onto the work surface,  you may scoop them up for the next application.
  4. Cake may be enjoyed immediately, or stored in the refrigerator up to one week; allow cake to sit at room temperature at least ½ hour to soften before serving.


Almond Apple Tart

november 13, 2015

almond apple tart


Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and the dreaded pumpkin shortage trumpeted in the news recently has not affected supplies in local grocery stores.Yet. I planned this dessert as an antidote to said shortage, but if you are like me, you enjoy an array of desserts at the holiday table, and having your pumpkin pie in addition to a creamy apple dessert is not considered a conflict of interest.

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Vegan Chocolate Cashew Cheesecake

may 15, 2015

vegan chocolate cashew cheesecake


Recipe inspiration comes from many sources. A dish enjoyed at at restaurant. A glistening bowl of spicy roasted vegetables glimpsed in a magazine. A revamp of a vintage recipe from my trove of family cookbooks.

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lemon tart with olive oil and flaky sea salt

Lemon Tart with Olive Oil and Flaky Sea Salt

march 6, 2015

updated march 2, 2021

lemon tart with olive oil and flaky sea salt



Lemon bars were one of the first things I cooked as a kiddie baker, and when the call was put out for school bake sale goods, I delivered.  Yep, I was the kid who cooked homemade lemon bars for the bake sale.  My parents both worked and I could never imagine burdening them with baking tasks, much less taking something store-bought to the sale.

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