Tag Archives: apple tarts

whole apple walnut streusel tart

Apple Walnut Streusel Tart

November 13, 2024

whole apple walnut streusel tart

Thanksgiving dessert : apple or pumpkin ? My inner child with a powerful sweet tooth says both. You could crank out the make ahead Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie and this Apple Walnut Tart. This tart is best on the day it is made, but my experiments yielded delicious results even with defrosting. Continue reading

Almond Apple Tart

november 13, 2015

almond apple tart


Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and the dreaded pumpkin shortage trumpeted in the news recently has not affected supplies in local grocery stores.Yet. I planned this dessert as an antidote to said shortage, but if you are like me, you enjoy an array of desserts at the holiday table, and having your pumpkin pie in addition to a creamy apple dessert is not considered a conflict of interest.

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