Tag Archives: maple syrup recipes

smoked salmon apple salad

Smoked Salmon Apple Salad

october 7, 2020

smoked salmon apple salad

A little smoked salmon goes a long way. Especially if the salmon is high quality in-house smoked salmon from your local fishmonger, like the burnished slabs found at Tuckahoe Seafood here in Richmond. In this Smoked Salmon Apple Salad  the rich smoke taste is offset by the crisp of Virginia apple, earthy baby arugula and a sweet-tart lemon maple mustard vinaigrette. Continue reading

closeup of blood orange chia pudding

Blood Orange Chia Pudding

february 6, 2020

closeup of blood orange chia pudding


Sweets for the sweet during  St. Valentine’s month, or maybe not. If your tastes run more to bitter, tart or just plain less sweet when you enjoy desserts, or breakfast, you will like this Greek yogurt based pudding with maple sweetened blood oranges and chia seeds.

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